Welcome to Stadiumfreak
Welcome to the number one website to learn about the biggest and most fantastic stadiums in the world.
If you ever had that riveting experience of entering an electrifying stadium just before a thrilling game, then you most probably share our passion.
What started out as a hobby site about stadiums and sports has turned into one of the most extensive resources to learn about stadiums and sports on the web.
On this page, you will get to know the team behind Stadiumfreak.
Meet Our Team
Dan Roberts

Dan is a former amateur football player who developed a passion for stadiums from a very young age. Unfortunately, his football career was cut short due to a knee injury but he never lost his passion for the game. He contributes to Stadiumfreak as he loves to share his fascination for sports stadiums with the world.
Mario Sabbatini

Mario shares the same enthusiasm about stadiums and wants to learn every single detail about them. He has visited many stadiums all across Europe and recently started becoming extremely interested in stadiums in the United States. His dream is to visit many of the biggest football stadiums in the US as well.
Jason Woods

Jason Woods is a sports enthusiast who loves tennis and basketball. He plays tennis on a regular basis with his friends but also enjoys watching a large number of other sports. He contributes to the sports section of Stadiumfreak and loves to share the most interesting and fun things to know about them.